Web resources related to

Handi Systems
Makers of a MIDI interface for the Palm. Also a variety of EQ control software.
Excellent performance software for the Palm OS, Use with the Palm speaker or MIDI output. Included in our Mobile Sofwtare Pack
Aerodrome Software
AeroPlayer MP3 player and a AeroTuner guitar tuner.
Sound Ventures
OLD Handheld music page from the makers of 'Meedy' and 'Tractor Pull'. Links to many useful resources (including MIDI interfaces).

Yamaha MU15
MIDI tone module that you can run on batteries and is easy to connect to most handhelds.
--Music Intro
Site covers most of the basics of music notation and theory, divided into topics.
More advanced concepts in composition and theory.
--Mr. Music Pro
Mister Music Pro answers questions about music notation and theory.

Makers of Tungsten, Zire and Treo handhelds. Check out their outlet store for good deals.
Palm at Ebay
Search for used Palm hardware to run miniMusic. You need at least a Palm Pilot Personal or Professional running OS 2.0
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